
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Episode 64: Mormon Goose Step
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
In Episode 64, We are joined by Lu from Paint it Black Comics and we get into some crazy conversations. Luke almost gets in a fight with an old co-worker, Mike vs old Polish lady, Lorne asks Lu a series of questions, We talk superhero's, crazy religious people, NFL, movies, video games, Would You Rathers, the meaning of happiness, and we re-enact celebrity deaths.

Saturday Sep 12, 2015
Episode 63: Cooter Shooter
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
Saturday Sep 12, 2015
In Episode 63, We start by talking about 9/11, Luke gets into a car accident, the IRS catches up with Lorne, NFL News, We have an Intervention on Josh to confront him on his lies, Music Sound Speed Round, Reporter vs Refugees, Around the Horn, and the boys answer a philosophical question. Thanks for Listening!

Saturday Sep 05, 2015
Episode 62 "The Force A-Bakens"
Saturday Sep 05, 2015
Saturday Sep 05, 2015
In Episode 62, We discuss a fun outing that we had last Friday night, Josh has wiped his memory of an embarrassing moment from his past, theres plenty of selfie deaths in the news, we ramp up the sexism and estimate how many women we could beat up at once, MTV awards, Movie and Video Game talk, UFC 191, Tom Brady, We praise PornHub, Mike shoots all of us, Bong-Rip Shoutouts, We try a new bit called "Believe it or Not", and Josh gets hot sauce in his eye again. Thanks for listening!

Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Episode 61: Satan built a fortress around my glory hole
Saturday Aug 29, 2015
Saturday Aug 29, 2015
In episode 61, We get the race and political talk out of the way early, Lorne has a beef with Directv, God vs babies, porn addiction, injuries in the NFL, Josh gets pop-quizzed on the Madden video game series, glory hole news, Usain Bolt vs Asian on segway, free the nipple, Burger King vs Mcdonalds, and tall chicks. We get a very strange voicemail from Jesus Satan, and end the show with Would You Rathers. Thanks for listening!

Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Episode 60 "Giving the Decent D"
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
In Episode 60, Mike is back so naturally we have an intervention and breakdown his issues, Luke's 7-11 bleach saga continues. We talk Asians, conjugal visits, suffercating, RG3 in NFL news, Jim Kong Un, French armpits, Jared Fogle, Deez Nuts, and Marijuana legalization. We also play "Who the fuck said that" and Movie Sound Speed Round. Bruce37214 stops by to verbally assault us and we end the show with some shoutouts to other great podcasts. Thanks for listening!

Saturday Aug 15, 2015
Episode 59 "Throne Rolls and a Bedazzled 38"
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
Saturday Aug 15, 2015
In episode 59, We ponder on mikes absence and speculate his whereabouts, Luke buys a cute gun, and Lorne almost dies in a river. We also discuss throne rolls, rich kids, whether Jesus was real, Anderson Silva suspension, parenthood misery, sucker-punching, Facebook Likes and Pokes, Sesame Street, facial recognition, and of course movies and video games.

Friday Aug 07, 2015
Episode 58 "Ughh, God"
Friday Aug 07, 2015
Friday Aug 07, 2015
In Episode 58, We start by rambling about liqueur and suicide techniques. Lorne gets Pop-Quizzed on Ronda Rousey and suffers the wrath of a new D.O.D punishment courtesy of listener and fellow podcaster Henno. We also discuss Wet-Willy's, the GOP debates, Fake Orgasms, and Public Executions. Lorne speaks Dolphin and we do some shitty Would You Rather's.

Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Episode 57 "Beauty and the Batch"
Saturday Aug 01, 2015
Saturday Aug 01, 2015
This was an ultra-belligerent episode in which we talked about playing battle-shits, jerking while driving, Ronda's mole, Josh's racism, Cecil the lion, the physical condition of humans. We also talk about movies, tv shows, and video games. Carl Danger from the Casa Mirth Podcast pays Luke a visit and we end the show with a round of power ballad karaoke. Thanks for listening

Saturday Jul 25, 2015
Episode 56 "Shit Show"
Saturday Jul 25, 2015
Saturday Jul 25, 2015
In Episode 56, Luke gives us an update on his creepy co-worker, we break down the new Dice of Doom, and talk UFC, Michael Jackson as Jar Jar, Chemtrails, Movies, Video Games, and Luke's lesbianism. We play some hilarious voicemails that Zack from The Offensive Line Podcast sent us, and end the show with a round of Rapid Fire. Thanks for listening to this shit.

Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Episode 55 "Tribe of the Douchebag"
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
We're back from a week off, so we fill everyone in on what we've been up to and why we missed the show, we then talk Mormons & Mexicans (again), catch up on UFC happenings with Fear Innes, Pooping in pools, Donald Trump, and Sushi. We play a funny voicemail. A new Dice of Doom punishment is discussed throughout and eventually tested. We played Around the Horn and Video Game Speed Round. Thanks for listening!