
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Episode 74 "Hell on my Jair"
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
Saturday Nov 28, 2015
In episode 74, Josh isn't here again so Adam fills in. We talk Thanksgiving shopping, new D.O.D punishments, NFL with cousin Robby, Wirrlstar, shit eating, Who the Fuck Said That?! (comedian edition), what is love?, video game and tv show talk.

Saturday Nov 21, 2015
Episode 73: The Fogle Defense
Saturday Nov 21, 2015
Saturday Nov 21, 2015
In episode 73, We talk Black Friday, gender confusion, NFL news, Ronda Rousey, ISIS and terrorists, we play voicemails from Blackman and Zack from The Offensive Line Podcast, Luke defends Jared Fogle in the courtroom, B&B vs the World, Lorne gets lashings, Josh gets firing squad, Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront.

Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Episode 72: Slaptula
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
In episode 72, We discuss what our vaginas would look like, Luke battles Microsoft, Josh is indeed THE chosen one, phantom jerkers, Starbucks red cups, white privilege, UFC193, Around the Horn, Mike gets Pop-Quizzed on Garth Brooks, B&B vs the World, new D.O.D, Fallout 4, and we share invention ideas.

Saturday Nov 07, 2015
Episode 71: Blue Cheese and Waffles
Saturday Nov 07, 2015
Saturday Nov 07, 2015
In episode 71, Josh is back. We speculate on what disease will take out Lorne soon, Mike is high on Blue Cheese and bitching about customers again, vaginas are gross, NFL & UFC news, Bruce37214 is back to attack Luke again in Man vs Machine news, and we discuss whether free will exists. We also play Rapid Fire and Music Sound Speed Round.

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Episode 70: AssBitch
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
In episode 70, our friend Adam steps in to takes the deceased Josh's place. We discuss our appearance on The Listening Party Podcast, solicitors, Halo 5, Mike's lack of dexterity, dogs pooping in yards, NFL, UFC stadium in Las Vegas, student vs cop video, nutscaping, cannibalism, The Martian, and Lorne asks whether good people exist. We also play "Who the Fuck Said That?!"

Saturday Oct 24, 2015
Episode 69: Ghost Loads and Banana Benders
Saturday Oct 24, 2015
Saturday Oct 24, 2015
In Episode 69, Josh is unfortunately not dead and back from his trip to Mexico. Lorne has had some strange paranormal experiences lately. We talk Halo 5, pre-internet porn, new Dice of Doom punishments, Shitheads, language barriers, NFL & UFC happenings, Australians and defend date rape. We are joined by Mike Russo from the Growing Up Not Growing Old Podcast and Chris from the Attention Deficit Order Podcast for some Movie Sound Speed Round (Spooky Edition) and we all round out the show with some speculation on the new Star Wars.

Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Episode 68: Dr. Norman Trousers' Apollo-Jism
Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Saturday Oct 17, 2015
In Episode 68, We are joined by our good friend Dr. Norman Trousers from the U.K. We talk Elvis, Luke's cancerous mole, Mike's promotion, the creative process behind The Casa Mirth Podcast , tanks, sun diets, politicians, anti-rape activists, gangster babies, and gun rights. We also do some Would You Rathers and Mike gives us a quiz called Weed Strain or Dubstep DJ.

Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Episode 67: Welcome to FuhrerBurgers
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
In Episode 67, Lorne is resurrected from the dead and back to tell stories from his hunting trip. We talk about last week's show and being Mike's daddy, bless-you etiquette, needles, vegans, NFL, UFC, Music Sound Speed Round, Weedly News, Duet Karaoke makes its return, and we finish the show with some Video Game and Movie talk.

Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Episode 66: The Shit Show 2015
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
In Episode 66, Lorne misses his first episode due to the fact that he died in a horrible hunting accident. So we roll with a 3 man crew of Luke, Mike and Josh. All the topics you love are still there like shitheads, ufc and nfl. However, they were all poorly executed with not a lot of comedy sprinkled in. So if you can stomach to sit through a little over an hour of boring news and video game talk then be our guest and listen to the episode that we are dubbing "The Shit Show 2015"

Saturday Sep 26, 2015
Episode 65: Saving Private Possum
Saturday Sep 26, 2015
Saturday Sep 26, 2015
In episode 65, we start off by introducing Crazy Jay from radiovegas.rocks to the show as a guest. Jen was another guest on the show who went through all the dice of dooms with what looked like little to no pain at all. We then moved on to our usual shitheads, and news. Lorne then dives into his sadistic fantasies of beastiality and his hate for left handed people. we talk about eating dogs and rabid killer possums. we end the show talking about movies games and a movie sound speed round.